We hope to update this as often as possible throughout the year. Please follow the links to our photo gallery and view the photos as a slideshow for best viewing.

Our email is maripisailing@gmail.com

Blue Skies! - Robbo, Lana and Noah

Waiting for the Captain to return!

(Roslyn Bay & Yeppoon)

Noah and I have spent the last 10 days here at Roslyn Bay Marina eagerly awaiting our Captain’s return. Ro left for Tassie on Friday 21st and arrives back home to us tomorrow Monday 31st! His loving crew are very excited – we have missed him so much!

Lucky for us the first 4 days were spent with Nanny Dee, who flew up to visit us on the boat. We enjoyed our time together with her as we explored the surrounding areas of Emu Park, Zilzie and Yeppoon by car, as well as daily walks to the beach and lots of cuddles with Noah. Thanks for coming up to visit Mum, it was fun.

For the past week, the little first mate and I have been flying solo here on the boat. We caught up with Alison and Ric (AKA Crabman) who we spent time with at Yellow Patch earlier this month. Alison surprised us by giving Noah a beautiful little blue jumper and matching beanie, that she so kindly hand knitted for him. Thanks Alison, Noah will enjoy wearing his new outfit over the next couple of months on those fresh mornings. We also caught up with Anna and Garth (The Honeymooner’s) who we met on Great Keppel Island. We were invited to their house in Cooee Bay for two delicious dinners during the week. Very spoilt! We think Noah and Bonnie might get married one day. Ha! Bonnie should be so lucky - Get in line baby!

Noah is growing quickly – He is 4 and a half months old this week. How time flies. His latest trick is blowing lots of bubbles and trying to talk. There are many goos and gars and he is still full of wide smiles and chuckles. It’s fun watching him discover everything for the first time. Like pumpkin puree....see photos. For now Noah is still only having breast milk, but we experimented with the pumpkin just to see his reaction. There will be plenty of time to get onto solids, as he certainly isn’t fading away. Ha!

With some time to myself, I have managed to start a special book for Noah about his first year of life at sea. Unfortunately, the fact that I have no artistic ability won’t help my presentation of the book. Oh well, if nothing else I hope Noah will enjoy looking at the photos and reading the stories about how he spent his first year of life on a boat called Maripi, sailing the East Coast of Australia. I hope this may this inspire him to live his life a little on the tilt, full of adventure and endless possibilities. My most favourite book of all time is Dr Seuss’s classic “Oh the places you’ll go”. It is profound in its simplicity and I have had the pleasure of reading it to many of my school students over the years. Now I look forward to reading it to Noah over and over again. If you haven’t ever read it, I encourage you to as well – You will love it! Here is the first paragraph.

"Congratulations, Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own.And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go."

So with our Captain back tomorrow, and the crew complete, we will be en route to the Whitsundays. No doubt it will be a highlight of our year.


  1. Hello Lana Well the crew are all here this week,,Georgie Pastor Dave Grace etc . Carol and I are off to NZ at the end of the week to see Abbie . It is MOEC NTO,,,I am heading North in the second week of the Qld hols to Townsville. I will keep you posted.

  2. Has the Captain returned, and now we don't hear a word? I guess you are busy being family. How wonderful. We'll just wait out here with "baited" breath----get it! Love to you all

  3. Great post Ali! Hope all is going well... haven't read the more recent posts yet but just wanted to say LOVE LOVE LOVE Dr Seuss and the 'Oh the places you’ll go' philosophy... :)
    Andrew and Ren
