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Our email is maripisailing@gmail.com

Blue Skies! - Robbo, Lana and Noah

The Waiting Game - Mooloolaba Style

Been chilling out in Mooloolaba waiting to see what Cyclone Ilui was doing and for the seas to settle down before heading north to tackle the well respected Wide Bay Bar - the entrance to Tin Can Bay and the sheltered waters leading inside Fraser Island and into the Sandy Straits. It has been a great opportunity to catch up with a few things on the boat and enjoy all that Mooloolaba has to offer.
The swell has been amazing with surf breaking across the entrance. A boat attempted to leave yesterday whilst Ro was out surfing and lost a passenger overboard (over the bow) when it was hit by a rouge wave. Luckily a wave jumping jet skier got to him in time.

Noah has been treated to daily walks either in his pram or strapped to his Mum or Dad in his "Snuggli" front pack and his life has been pretty much eat, sleep, smile, cry, eat some more and sleep again and ALWAYS filling nappies. We are getting lots of sleep as Noah only wakes up once during the night for a feed. He is an absolute gem. His personality is really showing now and he wants to be part of everything but is restricted being stuck in his little 7 week old body. He is on the move a bit this week and keeping Lana on her toes as his strength and movement increases. This kid will be running in no time!!

We met some great like-minded people on both water and land. At the marina the yatchies are either waiting out the weather as well or still "waiting it out" having arrived in port 10 years ago!! Plenty of "live-a-boards" planning to continue their journey "soon". They have a pretty laid back lifestyle and the general concensus is "It's always 5 o'clock somewhere!!!"
We checked the long range weather today and for the time being it looks like there will be more Mooloolaba-ing, coffee-ing, tag-team swimming, kayaking and surfing, walking, reading, route planning and loving little Noah. We are in no hurry.

We had some parenting guidance given to us at Coles Supermarket from a lovely Indonesian lady who asked "How old dis baby" and upon our reply she said "He should not be outside for 40 days back in my country". We know Noah is pretty special but to be put in excile like the bloke who spent 40 days and nights in the desert could be a bit much for the little fella. Should have seen her face when we told her that he swam in the sea at just 5 weeks! He only swam - not quite walked on water!! :)

Anyway it has been fun catching up with family and friends in the area. We had our first Sunday roast on the boat last night....Beautifully cooked Ro! Next week we will drive down to the Gold Coast to spend Easter with family and hopefully when we return the weather will give us the window to venture north. :)


  1. Hi guys, glad you've been able to wait out the cyclone without any damage. Would love to be surfing up there with you Robbo, although I'm not too sure about cyclone strength waves :)

    Noah looks a fantastic little guy!

    Here's to blue skies and calm seas
    Andrew and Ren

  2. Hey Ro and Alana,
    Enjoying your blogg and watching Noah literally grow before my very eyes. Lana your stories are both entertaining and amazing. I especially like the Indoneasian ladies comments...
    Hope you have a safe and enjoyable Easter and remember to give Noah some Easter eggs...Ro they are for your son and not you!! lol Looking forward to more pics of the places you visit and the long-term adventure.
    Warm regards,

  3. Hello Ro and Alana
    Hey i think Emma's Mum and dad still live on Moo.
